Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is.....what I do with a spare 10 minutes.

10 Spare minutes? Yes I can find 10 spare minutes generally once the kids are in bed I find many more minutes to play with - I could use them to clean, unclutter, make lunches but instead I can be found doing one of many things - crafting, blogging or more so reading other more talented bloggers, flicking through a mag, or watch trash TV -yes I am a bit of a sucker for the box....

On Saturday The girls and I had a few spare hours at the most perfect little kiddies beach (Palm Beach Sanctuary Point - 3 hours from home)

Unfortunately over the next few weeks any spare minutes will be taken up with house hunting - Yes the rental market in Sydney is enough to send even the sanest insane - packing, cleaning and uncluttering and wishing I had done more in the wasted spare minutes of life - that is until we are resettled and all those spare minutes lure me away from work.

Thanks to Hoppo Bumpo for suggesting this weeks theme. If you have a spare 10 minutes and would like to read what other's do with their spare 10 minutes head on over to three buttons to see who's playing.

1 comment:

Liesl said...

Trash TV is always a winner!